Polvo de quelpo (Orgánico), 1 lb (454 g) Bolsa
40448<h2><strong>Discover the Nutritional Power of the Sea!</strong></h2> <p>- Organic Kelp Powder</p> <p>- About 908 servings (1/4 tsp) per pound</p> <p>- Certified Kosher</p> <p>- USDA Organic</p> <p>Our Kelp Powder provides an easy way to incorporate the benefits of the sea-faring substance into your daily routine. A prominent marine plant, it can be found in saltwater near coastal fronts globally. While the color, and texture may differ region to region, its beneficial properties are always present. It’s high in vitamins, minerals and trace elements thanks to its ability to absorb the goodness of its marine surroundings.</p> <p>Full of naturally occurring nutrients, this seaweed is commonly found in a variety of sea foods and now supplements. Today, you can add a scoop of the powder into a smoothie bowl or matcha tea and grab the age-old benefits of this iconic ingredient!</p>Polvo de quelpo (Orgánico), 1 lb (454 g) Bolsa
40448<h2><strong>Discover the Nutritional Power of the Sea!</strong></h2> <p>- Organic Kelp Powder</p> <p>- About 908 servings (1/4 tsp) per pound</p> <p>- Certified Kosher</p> <p>- USDA Organic</p> <p>Our Kelp Powder provides an easy way to incorporate the benefits of the sea-faring substance into your daily routine. A prominent marine plant, it can be found in saltwater near coastal fronts globally. While the color, and texture may differ region to region, its beneficial properties are always present. It’s high in vitamins, minerals and trace elements thanks to its ability to absorb the goodness of its marine surroundings.</p> <p>Full of naturally occurring nutrients, this seaweed is commonly found in a variety of sea foods and now supplements. Today, you can add a scoop of the powder into a smoothie bowl or matcha tea and grab the age-old benefits of this iconic ingredient!</p>Alga marina marrón Plus (Wakame), 2000 mg (por porción), 60 Cápsulas de liberación rápida
Current price: $6.29Original price: $10.99Kelp con yodo, 225 mcg, 250 Tabletas
Current price: $6.99Original price: $6.99Quelpo marino (fuente de iodo ), 225 mcg, 500 Tabletas
Current price: $10.99Original price: $14.69
More Information
Discover the Nutritional Power of the Sea!
- Organic Kelp Powder
- About 908 servings (1/4 tsp) per pound
- Certified Kosher
- USDA Organic
Our Kelp Powder provides an easy way to incorporate the benefits of the sea-faring substance into your daily routine. A prominent marine plant, it can be found in saltwater near coastal fronts globally. While the color, and texture may differ region to region, its beneficial properties are always present. It’s high in vitamins, minerals and trace elements thanks to its ability to absorb the goodness of its marine surroundings.
Full of naturally occurring nutrients, this seaweed is commonly found in a variety of sea foods and now supplements. Today, you can add a scoop of the powder into a smoothie bowl or matcha tea and grab the age-old benefits of this iconic ingredient!
Kelp orgánico deshidratado en polvo (Ascophyllum nodosum)La Pasión por la Calidad de PipingRock está respaldada por Pruebas analíticas avanzadas internas
PipingRock garantiza la más alta calidad porque diseñamos, fabricamos y probamos nuestros suplementos en nustras propias y modernas instalaciones.
Sin OGM - Prometido
En PipingRock, su salud en nuestra principal prioridad. Los organismos genéticamente modificados (OGM) están presentes en muchos suplementos dietéticos, aunque no se haya demostrado que son seguros a largo plazo. PipingRock se compromete a añadir continuamente una amplia gama de productos no OGM, ofreciendo una calidad premium sin el potencial de modificación genética.
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